Mason Murray

Senior Associate

Mason joined NEA in 2022 and is currently a Senior Associate on the Technology team, where he focuses on investments in consumer and enterprise companies. Prior to joining NEA, Mason worked on M&A, equity, and debt transactions with Bank of America’s Technology, Media & Telecom investment banking group. Mason graduated from Columbia University with BA degrees in business management and art history.

What motivates you?

The unfathomable pace of innovation, the privilege of playing a small part in a company’s success story, and the opportunity to open doors for the next generation of founders and investors. Above all else, I’m driven by the gratitude I feel toward my mentors and my family for their support and guidance.

How would you describe your approach to relationship-building?

I listen actively and offer help without being asked. These actions can go a long way when it comes to building trust.

What inspires you to stay curious?

Passion is contagious. It’s impossible to avoid becoming deeply curious about a subject once you’ve witnessed someone’s genuine obsession with it. Learning from founders’ and operators’ deep expertise on a topic is arguably one of the best parts of the job.

What makes NEA’s style of partnership unique?

NEA’s track record of supporting founders throughout their journey extends beyond the lifecycle of just one venture. Throughout our portfolio you’ll find instances of repeat investment into existing NEA founders and teams. The lessons learned over many, many years of partnership provide a library of knowledge for us all to draw upon.

What was your first job and how did it shape you?

My first internship was in the HR department of a startup called Rocket Lawyer. I spent many days that summer on my hands and knees filing away hard copies of employment contracts, equity compensation packages, and tax forms. The company was fresh off of a Series C fundraise, and I heard the words options and vesting for the first time there. From the vantage of HR, I had a panoramic view of the inner workings of a startup and the complexities of scaling a team. While nearly a decade has since passed, that experience informed many decisions that ultimately led me to NEA.

What’s an interest of yours outside of work?

For most of my life I’ve been involved in some form of musical group (a cappella, band, orchestra—you name it!). The friendships that have come out of collaborating on creative projects are hard to find elsewhere and have stood the test of time. These days I spend more time listening than creating, but I’m always looking for new friends to make music with.

Pinned restaurants in Google Maps
Instruments studied
Perfect dog named Maple
